Tough first year...

By Jeff
As good as i am today, I've been through a tough situation for these past 10 months of working. Not to mention the hardship I need to undertake every week going in and out from school, its so tiring but i have no choice but to endure it and keep moving. Even though the salary is quite big at my work place but still its not an easy life there. But its getting better after the solar power activated. Most of our work can be done without any problem. Next year the telephone line will be operational and there would be no problem in communication from outside the island.

talking about work, I have too many problem regarding on how to get the pupils learn. i want them to try to learn something from me. But they seem to not learn anything and these was the main problem that makes them hard to move on and increase their level of education.

These problem involved:
- pupils not really competent in using Malay
- hard to understand certain word that i say to them
- their education level is too low ( don't know how to read, pronounce words,etc)
- when I ask question no one answer a single word (pupils are too shame to answer
question or to read)
- illustration of what i have teach them ( today i teach A they learn A then
tomorrow they forget what is A and i have to repeat teaching A to them)

It's a little bit complicated for me to understand on how to make them not to forget what i have taught them.I even tried many method: make an interesting teaching kits for them to play while learning, use singing method, picture based learning but still nothing work well for them. I begin doubting about my ability to teach them. Am I capable of making them success in their study? I really hope next year i'll do much better than this year.