Week 5 Reflection

By Danial
This week, we started to have floating class. For Madam Lam class, luckily we manage to have it in Math room. It will be easy for us to have presentation session because there have LCD. On Tuesday, Madam Lam teach us on types of learning that might be apply in T&L. There are Teaching centred, pupils centred, and media centred. During the class, we are divided into three groups and each groups will take one of the type of learning. For my groups, we need to find information about pupils centred. After 15 minutes discussion, we need to present our part. The most important thing is we need to convince others that the pupils centred is the best way to be implement during T&L.

After the presentation session end, Reccyka conclude that every type of learning have their own advantages and disadvantages depend on the teacher to choose which one is suitable. For me, the combination of tree type of learning is the best to be carry out.

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